The most important part is free. Once we know what you need we will try to fix your existing set-up, or point you to an off-the-shelf product, or adapt it for you, or build something from scratch, in that order. And that might be all you need.
Tweak your spreadsheet, database or online service set-up. The time and cost-savings from quite small changes in how your processes work can be really significant.
Bespoke clean-up and transfer of data between spreadsheets, databases, apps or services. One-time or a regular thing with a button or app. Great for switching from a spreadsheet to an online service. Or just cleaning-up your data. Run from your desktop or the web depending on where the data is coming from and going to.
Get more from your existing data. For when you know the answer is in your spreadsheet or database or online service, somewhere, but don't know how to get it out. One-time or a regular thing with a button or app.
On your desktop or in the cloud hosted and secured by a mega-corp. Bespoke, professionally-designed data structures, data-entry forms, drop-downs, easy user navigation. Access from across your on-site network or from the web. May require third-party subscriptions.
Let you or your clients access your data securely, or build out your business process by exchanging data with off-the-shelf online services. Work from anywhere on the internet or from your in-house network while a mega-corp. hosts and secures it in a warehouse rather than on your premises. Complete online solutions. Requires third-party subscriptions.